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Indexed adapters for multiplexing Illumina® DNA-Seq libraries with flexible options

Increase your sequencing scale by pooling 100s of samples on a single flow cell

Compatible with Illumina® next-generation sequencing platforms

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Prevent Poor Reads from Single Base Errors Introduced During PCR

NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes are indexed adapters, compatible with Illumina® platforms, that provide flexibility and high-throughput capabilities in sequencing applications. Multiplexing with NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes significantly increases scale while reducing costs by allowing the user to pool multiple library preparations in a single flow cell lane. The NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes utilize an indexed adapter containing a 6 nt unique sequence. This allows for proper differentiation between samples by preventing poor reads from single base errors introduced during PCR. The NEXTFLEX® index is contained within the adapter sequence, reducing or eliminating the need to perform PCR.

These barcodes can be used with single, paired-end, and multiplex reads and are compatible with the NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit, NEXTFLEX® Methyl DNA-Seq Kit, the NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Kit and other genomic DNA library prep protocols compatible with Illumina® sequencing.


  • Indexed adapters for multiplexing Illumina® DNA-Seq libraries with flexible options

  • Considerably reduce your per-sample sequencing cost by using barcoded adapters for multiplexing

  • Increase your sequencing scale by pooling 100s of samples on a single flow cell

  • Compatible with Illumina® next-generation sequencing platforms


货号产品名称 规格

NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes-6



NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes-1296 RXNS

NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes-24

192 RXNS
NOVA-514104 NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes-48384 RXNS

NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes-96(in 96-well plate)

768 RXNS

NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes-96(in tubes)

768 RXNS

Multiplex up to 384 DNA samples

Do you want to multiplex more than 48 samples? We also offer the NEXTFLEX-96™ DNA Barcode kits, which contain 96 – 8 nt index barcodes in either a 96-well format (cat # NOVA-514105) or in microfuge tubes (cat # NOVA-514106). The NEXTFLEX-HT™ Barcodes are single index barcodes which allow multiplexing of up to 384 Illumina® libraries.


The NEXTFLEX® adapters contain the full complement of sequencing flow cell binding regions (A, B), which eliminates the need to perform PCR to add the barcode tag.

Avoiding Registration Failure with Low Level Multiplexing

Registration failure could occur if the color balance was not maintained between the red and green lasers (used to sequence A/C bases and G/T bases, respectively). Read our blog post, Tech Tips – Barcode Recommendations for Low Level Multiplexing, to learn how to avoid registration failure on an Illumina® sequencer caused by lack sufficient index sequence diversity.


Deep Sequencing of NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcode Generated Sequencing. Libraries generated using the NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcodes have a consistent percentage of usable reads.


  • NEXTFLEX® DNA Barcode Adapter (25 µM)

  • NEXTFLEX® Primer Mix (12.5 µM)

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