NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA Kit
Combined library prep workflow for both small RNA and mRNA sequencing
Completely gel-free protocol from inputs as low as 5 ng
Automated on the PerkinElmer Sciclone® G3 NGS/NGSx workstations
- Product description
- Data
- Kit Contents
Gel-free, Combined Small RNA and mRNA Library Prep with Randomized Adapters to Reduce Ligation Bias and UDIs to Prevent Sample Mis-assignment on Illumina® Platforms
The NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ Kit enables the user to generate combined mRNA and small RNA libraries in a single workflow using 5 ng – 100 ng of total RNA inputs, without requiring upfront costly and tedious rRNA depletion or poly(A) selection. The kit utilizes patented and patent-pending technology that allows processing of mRNA fragments and small RNA for library construction. Like the best-in-class, NEXTFLEX® small RNA-seq kit v3, the NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA library preparation kit utilizes adapters with randomized ends to greatly reduce bias compared to standard protocols. This allows a more accurate representation of small RNA in the starting material and cost-saving due to efficient sequencing. Adapter-dimer reducing techniques built into the protocol enables gel-free workflow from inputs as low as 5 ng of total RNA. As a result, the kit is streamlined and Automation-friendly from start-to-finish. Libraries with robust yield can be prepared within one day using a manual or automated protocol.
Automation Compatibility
The kit is designed for seamless automation on the PerkinElmer® Sciclone® G3 NGS/NGSx workstations.
Facilitating Both High- and Low-throughput Needs for Illumina® Multiplexing
Eight UDI barcoded primers are included in the small reaction size NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ kit and forty-eight UDI barcoded primers are included in the large reaction size kit. UDIs read as single index reads on certain instruments, including the Illumina® MiniSeq®, NextSeq®, HiSeq® 3000 or HiSeq® 4000 platforms.
Combined library prep workflow for both small RNA and mRNA sequencing
Completely gel-free protocol from inputs as low as 5 ng
Compatible with total RNA inputs, no poly(A) selection or rRNA depletion required
Complete kit solution, including cleanup/size selection beads and barcodes*
Automated on the PerkinElmer Sciclone® G3 NGS/NGSx workstations
Kit Specs
Cat # | Name | Quantity |
NOVA-5139-01 | NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA Kit-8 BARCODES | 8 RXNS |
NOVA-5139-02 | NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA Kit-48 BARCODES | 48 RXNS |
NOVA-5139-53 | NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA Kit-96 BARCODES | 96 RXNS |
Figure 1. NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq mRNA/miRNA kit discovers ~60% more transcripts compared to Competitor N’s mRNA-seq workflow. Libraries were generated from 20 ng of Biochain Human Universal RNA (R4234565) using the NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq mRNA/miRNA Kit and Competitor N’s directional mRNA-seq workflow. Sequencing libraries were downsampled to 10M reads and processed using the exceRpt pipeline ( Pipeline output files were used to enumerate ”transcripts discovered.” Transcripts were only marked “discovered” if >= 3 reads mapped to a given transcript and if each read aligned in the appropriate direction (sense for the NEXTFLEX® kit and antisense for Competitor N’s kit). For “long RNA,” transcripts were counted using the “geneLevel” read counts files. In the figure, pink indicates transcripts which were detected by both workflows, whereas purple and red refer to NEXTFLEX® and Competitor N, respectively.
Figure 2. The NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA kit gives higher confidence in strand calls compared to Competitor N’s directional mRNA-seq workflow. Reads were mapped to synthetic ERCC’s to determine orientation. NEXTFLEX® chemistry has >99.9% directionality whereas Competitor N is only ~99% directional (data not shown), which allows for higher directionality/ strandedness and lower rate of false-positives regarding directionality.
Figure 3. The NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA kit gives more accurate representation of miRNAs than Competitor N’s small RNA-seq kit. In order to assess bias, libraries were generated from a pool of 963 equimolarly pooled miRNAs using the NEXTFLEX® Combo- Seq™ mRNA/miRNA kit and a commercially available small RNA-seq kit from Competitor N. Individual miRNAs were binned into categories based on their representation in the sequencing library in terms of fold-change from expected. With the NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA kit, only 5.8% of miRNAs deviate more than 10-fold from the expected value, compared with 30.1% of miRNAs with Competitor N.
NEXTFLEX® Anchored Oligo(dT) Primer
NEXTFLEX® RT/RNase H Annealing Buffer
NEXTFLEX® RT/RNase H Reaction Buffer
NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ Reverse Transcriptase
NEXTFLEX® Thermostable RNase H
NEXTFLEX® Poly(A) Polymerase
Adapter Depletion Solution
NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ 5’ Ligation Buffer
NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ 5’ 4N Adapter
NEXTFLEX® 5’ Ligation Enzyme Mix
NEXTFLEX® Poly(A) Polymerase
NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ RT Buffer
NEXTFLEX® UDI Barcoded Primer Mix
Nuclease-free Water
Resuspension Buffer
NEXTFLEX® Cleanup Berads
5 ng – 100 ng total RNA in up to 11 μL Nuclease-free Water
Human Universal RNA (Biochain # R4234565) or other total RNA, as a control (optional)
80% Ethanol, freshly prepared
10, 20, and 200 μL pipettes
10, 50, and 200 μL multichannel pipettes
RNase-free barrier pipette tips
96 well PCR Plate Non-skirted (Phenix Research # MPS-499) or similar
Nuclease-free PCR strip tubes with caps (Phenix Research # MPC-425Q)
Nuclease-free 1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes
Thermal cycler
Magnetic Stand -96 (Ambion # AM10027 or similar)